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Past Graduates and Completed Theses

Graduation Date

  Defense/Graduation Date Name of Graduate Major Professor Thesis Title
(1) 05/27/1988  Martin Volk Michael Covington Parsing German with GPSG : the Problem of Separable Prefix Verbs
(2) 09/23/1988  Kevin Weinrich Michael Covington An Intelligent Interactive Grammar Tutorial
(3) 12/12/1988  Ronald Gonsher Donald Nute A Parallel Implementation of Defeasible Reasoning
(4) 12/23/1988  Thomas Tidrick Walter D. Potter Knowledge Based Systems
(5) 06/17/1989  Pam Coffey Donald Nute PAAD : A Performance Analysis Aid Expert System
(6) 08/19/1989  Leonard Fried Donald Nute The Paint Expert System
(7) 08/19/1989  Yih-Shiuan Hu Michael Covington A Translator for a Bottom-up Parser with Features
(8) 09/18/1989  Thomas Wardlow Donald Nute Development of an Expert System Prototype Job Aid
(9) 12/04/1989  William (Bill) Smith Michael Covington Constrained Clauses in Discourse Representation Theory
(10) 08/18/1990  Chao, Jhy-Wen Donald Nute AdmissionPro : A Neural Network Based Expert
(11) 08/18/1990  Torben Hansen Donald Nute Applying the Back Propagation Learning Algorithm for a Real World Problem
(12) 12/10/1990  Jishen He Ron McClendon An Expert System for Academic Scheduling in an Agricultural Engineering Curriculum
(13) 12/13/1990  Gregg Rosenberg Donald Nute SALMON : A Tempermental Program
(14) 12/29/1990  Ping Zhang Donald Nute An Expert System for Plant Nutrition Recommendation
(15) 03/25/1991  Bai-Zheng Li Michael Covington A Natural Language Front-End for DOS
(16) 07/25/1991  Andreas Siebert Suchendra Bhandarkar Polyhedral Object Recognition from Range Images
(17) 08/29/1991  Sufen Wang Walter D. Potter Domain Knowledge and Control Knowledge
(18) 06/01/1992  Xiaochang Yu Donald Nute A Computer Help Desk Referral System
(19) 06/29/1992  Stavros Voloudakis Asterios Kefalas STRATMAN : A Knowledge-based System for Strategic Planning and Management
(20) 07/24/1992  Viren Patel Ron McClendon Detection of Defective Eggs Using Computer Vision and Neural Networks
(21) 08/15/1992  David Elizondo Ron McClendon Neural Network Models to Predict Solar Radiation and Plant Phenology
(22) 08/15/1992  Marcus Maloof Krys Kochut TPS : Incorporating Temporal Reasoning into a Production System
(23) 12/02/1992  Yiqing Zhang Suchendra Bhandarkar A Comparison of Cost Minimization Approaches to Edge Detection
(24) 03/17/1993  Frank Eisenhart Bruce Britton A Connectionist Model of Language from Sensory Pre adaptation
(25) 06/12/1993  William Arnold Walter D. Potter CLASSICAL : Classifier System Indexing of Case Libraries
(26) 06/12/1993  James Ford Bruce Britton Reasoning with Imagery in the Soar Cognitive Architecture
(27) 06/12/1993 Gregory Izzo Donald Nute Incorporating Defeasible Reasoning into Discourse Representation Theory
(28) 07/22/1993  John Ball Walter D. Potter The Use of Presortedness Measures as Heuristic Functions
(29) 08/31/1993  Hong-Gee Kim Donald Nute Perspectives, Theories, and Conceptualization
(30) 09/02/1993  Jia Liu Donald Nute An Expert System for the Recommendation of Over-the-Counter Cold and Allergy Drugs
(31) 09/08/1993  Byoung Kang Ron McClendon Weather Prediction Using Neural Network Models
(32) 03/30/1994  Liu Zhang Walter D. Potter Computer Simulation of Statistics and Educational Measurement
(33) 04/01/1994  Daniel Brown Michael Covington A Natural Language Querying System Based on Discourse Representation Theory and Incorporating Tense Logic
(34) 05/18/1994  Juric, Marc Walter D. Potter An Anti-Adaptationist Genetic Algorithm for Evolving Neural Networks
(35) 06/08/1994  Laurel Graham Michael Covington An Implementation of Plurality in Discourse Representation Theory
(36) 06/10/1994  Yilan Li Donald Nute Intelligent Graphical Interfaces for Product Selection
(37) 06/11/1994  Fon-Lein Chang Walter D. Potter Genetic Algorithms in Battlefield Communications Network Configuration
(38) 06/15/1994  Debashis Rana Walter D. Potter Knowledge Discovery in Databases
(39) 06/15/1994  Sivarajah Thurairajah Ron McClendon Classification of Electrocardiogram Data Using Artificial Neural Networks
(40) 08/15/1994  Xilong Chen John Miller An Expert System for Herbal Medicine Diagnosis and Prescription
(41) 08/15/1994  Mukesh Kumar   Use of Backpropagation to Solve Problems in Analytic Hierarchy Process
(42) 09/05/1994  Jayesh Sahasi Donald Nute An Expert System for Nonprescription Drug Recommendation
(43) 09/09/1994  Ninghua Pu Brahm Verma A Decision Support System for Tomato Quality Sorting
(44) 11/14/1994  Xianjuan Lu Walter D. Potter Hunting for Snakes Using Simulated Annealing
(45) 11/16/1994  Yousong Chang Donald Nute A Red Pine Forest Management Advisory System
(46) 12/08/1994  Ketki Dhanesha Donald Nute Normative Expert System Using Deontic Logic and Defeasible Reasoning
(47) 01/04/1995  Xiang Hong Ron McClendon Neural Network Models for Predicting Soy Bean Seed Protein and Oil Content
(48) 05/29/1995  Yu-Ling Tzeng Donald Nute Insect Identification and Treatment Expert in LPA-Prolog for Windows
(49) 06/09/1995  Liucong Geng Donald Nute HAAS : An Expert Consultation System for Housing Accessibility
(50) 08/21/1995  John Berkshire Bruce Britton A Computational Model of Transitions in the Stream of Consciousness
(51) 10/05/1995  Guo-jun Zhu Donald Nute DSSTOOLS : A Toolkit for Development of Decision Support Systems in Prolog
(52) 02/29/1996  Xun Shao Michael Covington An Implementation of a Menu-based Natural Language Interface for Databases Using Delphi
(53) 07/26/1996  Besim Atalay Ron McClendon Musical Era Recognition Using Backpropagation Neural Networks
(54) 08/13/1996  Qing Dong Walter D. Potter The Automated Catalog : An Expert Database System
(55) 08/19/1996  Victor Boudolf Ron McClendon Predicting Peanut Maturity with MNR : An Artificial Neural Network Approach
(56) 08/30/1996  Ningyu Chen Donald Nute Logic Server : A Client/Server Model for Decision Support Systems
(57) 06/12/1997  Andreas Puppa Donald Nute A Comparison : Knowledge Representation in Prolog and in Defeasible Prolog
(58) 06/04/1997  Chris Henderson Walter D. Potter Using Genetic Algorithms to Evolve Neural Networks
(59) 06/11/1997  Andy Walker Walter D. Potter SINGER : System for Implementing New Genetic Evasion Rules
(60) 06/12/1997  Zachary Hunter Donald Nute dd-Prolog : A Deontic Extension of d-Prolog
(61) 06/14/1997  Jon Hamlin Walter D. Potter An Autonomous Agent for System Administration
(62) 03/23/1998  Mose Chalom Michael Covington PREDICON : An Input-Driven Parsing Method in Prolog
(63) 03/23/1998  Subrata Chakrabarti Asterios Kefalas Globe Business : An Assistant Expert System
(64) 12/19/1998  John Eikenberry   Net Serf : Using Semantic Networks for Keyword Analysis and Document Classification
(65) 10/19/1998  Lakshmi Nidamarthi Walter D. Potter An Intelligent Agent for a Web Based Authoring Tool
(66) 10/21/1998  Shanyin Liu Walter D. Potter Integration of Forest Decision Support Systems : a Search for Interoperability
(67) 12/19/1998  Heming Wu Donald Nute Incorporating Neural Nets in a Prolog Toolkit for Decision Support System
(68) 03/31/1999  Geneho Kim Donald Nute AppBuilder for DSSTOOLS
(69) 04/16/1999  Eric Shamblen Walter D. Potter The Music of Noise Generator : a Genetic Algorithm to Music Composition
(70) 08/13/1999  Uli Bubenheimer Michael Covington YALL : Yet Another Latin Lemmatizer : a Morphological Analyzer for Latin and a Reimplementation in Java
(71) 08/13/1999  Xiaode Deng Chi N. Thai Neural Network for Detecting Bush Bean Nutritional Stress With Multi-Spectral Images
(72) 08/13/1999  Sam Donnelly Donald Nute Semantics, Soundness, and Incompleteness for a Defeasible Logic
(73) 11/22/1999  Heather Silvio Ron McClendon Improving Peanut Maturity Prediction Using a Hybrid Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Inference System
(74) 04/17/2000  Xingfeng Deng Donald Nute AneSoft : An Expert System for Canine Anesthesia
(75) 05/04/2000  Wanying Bi Walter D. Potter Intelligent Decision Support System for USDA Forest Service Aerial Spray Management
(76) 08/15/2000  Yong Wei Donald Nute KET : A Knowledge BAse Engineering Tool for the Forest Health Expert System
(77) 08/15/2000  Mingguang Xu Donald Nute Design and Implementation of an Expert System for the Management of Uneven-Aged Loblolly Short leaf Pines
(78) 12/16/2000  Harold Dale Walter D. Potter Bone-FixES : An Expert System for External Skeletal Fixation
(79) 03/30/2001  James Allen Walter D. Potter A Genetic Algorithm Implementation of the Hough Transform
(80) 05/12/2001  Jianguo Li Walter D. Potter STP : An Intelligent Decision Support System Approach for Aerial Spray Treatment Planning
(81) 06/05/2001  Chun Liang Ron McClendon Predictions of Microbial Activity During Biosolids Composting Using Artificial Neural Networks
(82) 10/08/2001  Shulei Sun Donald Nute Wildlife Habitat Management in NED-2
(83) 11/13/2001  Anil Bahuman Khaled Rasheed An Evolutionary Approach to Standard Cell Design Automation
(84) 12/15/2001  Deltcheva, Vassilka Michael Covington EARS : An Automatic E-mail Responding System
(85) 12/15/2001  J. Nelson Rushton Michael Covington A Search Engine for Hypertext Encyclopedia
(86) 04/25/2002  Fred Maier Donald Nute Notes on a Blackboard : Recent Work on NED-2
(87) 05/11/2002  Rajesh Kommineni Walter D. Potter Systems Integration in the Forestry Domain
(88) 07/16/2002  Jin Wang Walter D. Potter External Heterogeneous Information Source Management Agents
(89) 08/10/2002  Dev Ashish Ron McClendon Land-use Classification of Aerial Images Using Artificial Neural Networks
(90) 08/10/2002  David Crouch Donald Nute A Situated Planning Agent for the Virtual World Environment
(91) 08/10/2002  David Jennings Donald Nute JXSHELL : A Web-based Expert System Platform
(92) 08/10/2002  Bin Li Ron McClendon Car Rental Expert Data Base System
(93) 08/10/2002  Xiao Ni Khaled Rasheed Comparison of Methods for Developing and Using Dynamic Reduced Models for Design Optimization
(94) 08/10/2002  Tong Wang Chi N. Thai Spectral Vegetation Indices and Their Relationships with Nitrogen Stress Levels
(95) 12/05/2002  Lin Liu Takoi Hamrita Prediction of Poultry Deep Body Temperatures Using Artificial Neural Networks
(96) 12/21/2002  Ernie Foster Walter D. Potter Commodity Futures Price Prediction : An Artificial Intelligence Approach
(97) 12/21/2002  Lei Wu Walter D. Potter A Comparison of Nature Inspired Intelligent Optimization : Methods in Aerial Spray Deposition Management
(98) 12/21/2002  Yunxiu Xu Donald Nute K9ER : A veterinary Practice Simulator Based on the Integration of an Expert System and a Physiological Simulation
(99) 04/28/2003  Swaroop Vattam Donald Nute An Architecture for Analogy Based Plan Improvisation
(100) 06/18/2003  Mayukh Dass Walter D. Potter LIDS : Learning Intrusion Detection System
(101) 08/09/2003  Ning Suo Khaled Rasheed Machine Learning Techniques for the Evaluation of External Skeletal Fixations Structures
(102) 08/21/2003  Sanjay Chellapilla Walter D. Potter DariyMap : A Web-based Expert System for Dairy Herd Management
(103) 12/20/2003  Cheng Hu Ron McClendon Modeling Reaction Kinetics of Chlorine Dioxide and Volatile Organic Compounds with Artificial Neural Networks
(104) 12/20/2003  Abhishek Jain Ron McClendon Predicting Air Temperature for Frost Warning Using Artificial Neural Networks
(105) 12/20/2003  Yuki Ono Walter D. Potter An Architecture for Analogy Based Plan Improvisation
(106) 12/20/2003  Yarong Tang Suchendra Bhandarkar Computer Vision-based Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
(107) 04/19/2004  Astrid Glende Donald Nute The NED Forest Management DSS : the Integration of Growth and Yield Models
(108) 04/26/2004  Jon McClain Walter D. Potter A Behavior-based Blackboard Architecture for Multi-Robot Control
(109) 07/23/2004  Cy Routh Donald Nute The NED-2 Forest Ecosystem Management DSS : the Integration of Wildfire Risk and GIS Agents
(110) 07/26/2004  Lorina Naci Michael Covington Software to Measure Rambling, Cognitive Difficulty and Degree Expressions in Schizophrenic Speech
(111) 07/23/2004  Xunyu Pan Suchendra Bhandarkar Motion Panorama Construction from Streaming Video for Power-Constrained Mobile Multimedia Environments
(112) 07/26/2004  Jason Schlachter Donald Nute Virtual Veterinary Emergency Room : a Software System that Presents Dynamic, Interactive Medical Scenarios for Teaching Veterinary Medicine
(113) 08/02/2004  Ramyaa Ron McClendon Frost Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks
(114) 10/12/2004  Sarah Witzig Donald Nute The NED-2 Forest Ecosystem Management DSS : the Integration of a Wildlife Model for the Southeast, the Goal Analysis Agent and the Report Generation Agent
(115) 11/19/2004  Scott Bitterman Walter D. Potter New Lower Bounds for the Snake-In-The-Box Problem : a Prolog Genetic Algorithm and Heuristic Search Approach
(116) 12/03/2004  ABD Ghani, Kartini Robert P. Mahan Human Judgment in Diagnosing Problem Behavior in Horses Using Knowledge-Based System Application
(117) 12/06/2004  Kessler, Jaymin Khaled Rasheed Using Genetic Algorithms to Reorganize Superpeer Structure in Peer to Peer Networks
(118) 04/19/2005  Kaijima, Makiko Ron McClendon Canine Gait Analysis and Diagnosis Using Artificial Neural Networks and Ground Reaction Force
(119) 04/22/2005  Casella, Darren Walter D. Potter New Lower Bounds for the Snake-In-The-Box Problem : Using Evolutionary Techniques to Hunt for Snakes and Coils
(120) 05/25/2005  Barnhard, David Walter D. Potter Distributed Collaborative Robotic Mapping
(121) 07/21/2005 Dewey, John Walter D. Potter Searching for Prescriptive Treatment Schedules with a Genetic Algorithm : a Tool for Forest Management
(122) 07/21/2005  Khosla, Vineet Donald Nute (Potter) ImmGnosis : Architecture for a Stateless Web-based Expert System for Immigration Law
(123) 07/22/2005  Fischer, Hendrik Walter D. Potter Decisions to Go : An Intelligent Mobile Decision Support System
(124) 07/22/2005  Boucugnani, David Donald Nute REGEN a Modular and Generalized Forest Regeneration Agent
(125) 07/22/2005  de Juan, Daniel Donald Nute (Potter) IMMGNOSIS : Knowledge Engineering for a Stateless Web-based System for Immigration Law
(126) 07/22/2005  Hardas, Shilpa Walter D. Potter An Ant Colony Approach to the Snake-in-the-Box Problem
(127) 07/25/2005  Voss, Matt Michael Covington Determining syntactic complexity using very shallow parsing
(128) 12/01/2005  Morris, Eric Walter D. Potter FISSION : An Evolutionary Method for Fuzzy Learning
(129) 12/05/2005  Cheng, Zhiyuan Walter D. Potter The NED-2 Forest Ecosystme Management DSS : The Integration of the Stand Visualization System, the Loftis REGEN Model, and Other Extensions
(130) 04/05/2006  Srigopika Radhakrishnan Walter D. Potter Exploring Image Processing Capabilities of AIBO
(131) 04/21/2006  Daniel Tuohy Walter D. Potter Creating Tablature and Arranging Music for Guitar with Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks
(132) 07/05/2006  Julian Bishop Walter D. Potter Simulation and Learning Techniques for Robot Control Architectures
(133) 07/06/2006  Daniel Shank Ron McClendon Dew Point Temperature Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks
(134) 07/19/2006  Steven Cheng Suchendra Bhandarkar Computer Vision Applications for Nanotechnology Research and Serveillance System Design
(135) 07/21/2006  Rucen Deng Walter D. Potter Spray Treatment Planning Using the Ant System Metaheuristic
(136) 08/07/2006  Brian Smith Ron McClendon Air Temperature Prediciton Using Artificial Neural Networks
(137) 04/26/2007  Kumar Ujjwal Jay E. Aronson Cyber Haggler : Web Based Bargaining Using Genetic Algorithm
(138) 04/27/2007  Arlo Lyle Khaled Rasheed Baseball Prediction Using Ensemble Learning
(139) 07/19/2007  Sergey Fogelson Walter D. Potter What Computers Can Do : Applying Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Two Computationally Intensive Scientific Problems
(140) 07/20/2007  Joe D. McFall Michael Covington Using the ADIOS Algorithm for Grammar Induction and Psycholinguistic Comparison
(141) 11/30/2007  Chris Taylor Walter D. Potter A Comprehensive Framework for the Snake-in-the-Box Problem
(142) 12/10/2007  Dennis Perez Prashant Doshi Anytime Point Based Approximations for Interactive Pomdps
(143) 6/25/2008  Hajime Uchiyama Walter D. Potter Perceptual Navigation for Semi-Autonomous Wheelchair
(144) 7/18/2008  Robert Chevalier Ron McClendon (Potter) Air Temperature Prediction using Support Vector Regression and GENIE : The Georgia Extreme Weather Neural network Informed Expert
(145) 7/18/2008  Jeremy Tarver Walter D. Potter Computer Vision Capabilities for a Semi-Autonomous Wheelchair
(146) 7/19/2008  Cesar Koirala Khaled Rasheed Comparison of the Effects of Morphological and Lexical Information on Text
(147) 11/18/2008  Xia Qu Walter D. Potter The NED-2 Forest Ecosystem Management DSS : The Integration of Even-aged Red Pine, Aspen and Uneven-aged Loblolly Pine Prescription Models (1st INSTITUTE OF AI GRADUATE)
(148) 11/24/2008  Kevin Crowell Gerrit Hoogenboom Precipitation Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks
(149) 12/5/2008  Karan Sharma Walter D. Potter Towards Generally Intelligent Machines
(150) 4/17/2009  Jiayun Han Michael Covington Building an Efficient, Scalable, and Trainable Probability-and-Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagger of High Accuracy
(151) 4/24/2009  Colin Nicholson Michael Covington Determining Whether a Document Changes in Subject
(152) 11/20/2009  Max Martin Gerrit Hoogenboom Crop Yield Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
(153) 11/30/2009  Joshua Griffin Walter D. Potter Methods for Reducing and Evaluating Fitness Functions in Genetic Algorithms for the Snake-In-the-Box Problem
(154) 12/04/2009  Eric Drucker Walter D. Potter Exploring Applications of Extremal Optimization
(155) 4/19/2010  Ananta Palani Walter D. Potter An Analysis of Hypercube Space for Solving the Snake-In-The-Box Problem
(156) 4/23/2010  Muthukumaran Chandrasekaran Prashant Doshi Approximate Model Equivalence for Interactive Dynamic Influence Diagrams
(157) 12/01/2010  Philip Brooks Walter D. Potter Particle Swarm Optimization and Priority Representation
(158) 03/25/2011  Nithya Vembu Prashant Doshi A Translator Web Service for Data Mediation in Web Service Compositions
(159) 04/29/2011  Soumya Shivakumar Suchendra Bhandarkar Segmentation and 3D Visualization of Intravascular Ultrasound Images
(160) 7/18/2011  Yan Qu Walter D. Potter An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Controller Based on a Learning Classifier System
(161) 9/30/2011  Swetha Pandhiti Walter D. Potter Blackboard Architecture for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Controller Using Fuzzy Inference Systems
(162) 4/13/2012  Jared Smythe Walter D. Potter Roulette Wheel Particle Swarm Optimization
(163) 4/20/2012  Michael Walliser Pete Bettinger Fort Stewart Shortest Path Analysis of Debris Cleanup Options
(164) 4/27/2012  Tyler Carlson Walter D. Potter Non-monotonic Knowledge Representation and Reasoning For Natural Description of Gothic Cathedrals
(165) 4/27/12  Karthik Nadig Walter D. Potter Comparison of Individual, Combined and Series Air Temperature and Dew Point Temperate Models
(166) 4/27/2012  Siva Venkadesh Iyappan Latha Walter D. Potter Improving Air Temperature and Dew Point Temperature Prediciton Accuracy of Artificial Neural Networks
(167) 6/29/2012  Allen Taylor III Walter D. Potter HQ-DoG: Hierarchical Q-Learning in Domination Games
(168) 6/29/2012  Ganesh Bonde Khaled Rasheed Extracting the Best Features from Multi-company Stock Data to Improve the Stock Price Prediction
(169) 7/9/2012  Charles Hollingsworth Michael Covington Syntactic Stylometry: Using Sentence Structure for Authorship Attribution
(170) 7/12/12  Shayi Zhang Michael Covington LingCues - A Linguistic Cues Software Tool for Research in Text Based Automatic Deception Detection
(171) 7/19/12  David Robinson Michael Covington Finding Patient-Oriented Evidence in PubMed Abstracts
(172) 11/16/2012  Weixin Ling Walter D. Potter Virus Transmission Genetic Algorithm
(173) 12/07/2012  Sivapriya Kaza Suchendra Bhandarkar Quantification of Bioirrigation using Image Analysis
(174) 8/02/2013  Shu Zhang Khaled Rasheed Evolutionary Accompaniment Systems for Creative Music Generation
(175) 8/02/2013  Matthew Losanno Suchendra Bhandarkar

Measurement of Spatial Colocalization of Objects in N-Channel Confocal Images


(176) 4/28/2014 Karl Fezer Pete Bettinger Distributed RFID Tags for Autonomous Mapping of Internal Environments Using the Robot Operating System
(177) 6/25/2014 Will Richardson Khaled Rasheed Evolutionary Instance Resampling for Difficult Data Sets
(178) 7/18/2014 Haosha Wang Khaled Rasheed Machine Fashion: An Artificial Intelligence Based Clothing Fashion Stylist
(179) 11/21/2014 Aardra Kannan Ambili Khaled Rasheed Automated Scoring of Integrative Complexity using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
(180) 11/21/2014 Kedar Marathe Prashant Doshi An Adaptive Nested Particle Filter with Advanced Weighting to Handle Localization and Tracking under Extreme Sensory Occlusion
(181) 12/01/2014 Akul Dewan Khaled Rasheed Predicting Protein Stability Change Upon Single Point Mutation using Multi-Instance Regression : A Local Conformational Analysis Approach
(182) 03/20/2015 Peter Geiger Walter D. Potter A Comparison of Novel Stochastic Optimization Methods
(183) 03/20/2015 MD Shahnawaz Khan Walter D. Potter Building Snakes from DNA : A Step Towards Generalizing the Snake in the Box Problem
(184) 04/16/2015 Thomas Drapela Walter D. Potter The Snake-in-the-Box Problem : A Primer
(185) 04/22/2015 Dustin Cline Frederick Maier Integrating Logic Programming with Description Logic Reasoning and Sensor Observation Management for Mobile Devices
(186) 04/24/2015 Caitlin Cassidy Frederick Maier Between the Hedges: A Computational Analysis of Sentiment and Linguistic Hedging in Financial Documents
(187) 05/09/2015 Venkata Siva Sai Krishna Balakavi Frederick Maier A context-aware multi-agent framework for distributed reasoning on Android devices
(188) 04/15/2016 Cameron Hamilton Walter D. Potter Hourly Solar Radiation Forecasting Through Neural Network and Decision Tree Models
(189) 04/29/2016 Clarice Reid Margaret Renwick Study of Locus Equations as Features for Speech Classification and Recognition
(190) 07/01/2016 Maulesh Trivedi Prashant Doshi Inverse Learning of Robot Behavior for Ad-Hoc Teamwork
(191) 07/18/2016 Anzah Hayat Khan Niazi Frederick Maier & Khaled Rasheed A Study in Human Activity Recognition: Hierarchical Classification and Statistical Analysis
(192) 07/20/2016 Shubham Jindal Khaled Rasheed Short Text Classification of Clinical Questions
(193) 12/16/2016 Shervin Shahryari Prashant Doshi Inverse reinforcement learning under noisy observations
(194) 04/19/2017 Brittany Norman Khaled Rasheed Computational methods for categorizing unstructured data related to pediatric appendicitis within electronic medical records
(195) 06/15/2017 Jesse Kuzy Changying Li Post-Harvest Quality Evaluation by Pulsed Thermographic Inspection
(196) 11/27/2017 William Samuel Sanders Frederick Maier Machine Learning Techniques for Weather Forecasting
(197) 12/15/2017 Ankita Joshi Shannon Quinn Open Source Distributed Spectral Clustering
(198) 4/19/2018 Brent Lippert Khaled Rasheed Prediction of Cancer-Related Mutation Impact on Protein Activity Using Machine Learning
(199) 6/6/2018 Andrew King Suchendra Bhandarkar A Comparison and Extension of Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Segmentation
(200) 6/8/2018 Yan Du Yi Hong Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Greenhouse Fruit Using Deep Neural Networks
(201) 8/1/2018 Chandler Kincaid Khaled Rasheed Genetic Sequence Classification and Phylogenetic Construction with N-Gram Methods
(202) 8/10/2018 Justin Payan Frederick Maier Keyphrase Extraction From Scientific Literature Using Joint Geometric Graph Embedding Matching
(203) 12/6/2018 Ava Wright Frederick Maier Rightful Machines
(204) 3/8/2019 Adithya Raam Sankar Prashant Doshi Evacuate or Not? Modeling the Decision Making of Individuals in Hurricane Evacuation Zones using Influence Diagrams
(205) 3/16/19 Manu Chandraprabha Sukumaran Nair Suchendra Bhandarkar Video Object Tracking for Behavioral Analysis
(206) 4/16/19 Kang Yuan Sheng Li 2.5D Pose Guided Human Image Generation
(207) 4/18/2019 Maulik Shah Prashant Doshi Scalable Individual Planning In Open and Typed Agent Systems
(208) 4/18/2019 John Leeland Gibbs Frederick Maier Quasi-Semantic Image Manipulation via Deep Neural Networks
(209) 4/19/2019 Zachary Dean Jones Frederick Maier Machine Learning for Solar Irradiance Forecasting
(210) 6/19/2019 Christian McDaniel Shannon Quinn Artificial Intelligence, Reproducibility, and the Data Science Pipeline in Biomedical Research: an Application to Parkinson's Disease
(211) 7/15/2019 Christopher Whitmire Khaled Rasheed Machine Learning and Feature Selection for Biomass Yield Prediction Using Weather and Planting Data
(212) 7/19/2019 Yuanming Shi Frederick Maier An Investigation of Prenasal Merger in Southern American English Through Automatic Speech Recognition
(213) 11/18/2019 Weiwen Xu Shannon Quinn Cillia Segmentation in Medical Videos with Fourier Convolutional Neural Network
(214) 11/22/2019 Rajeswari Sivakumar Shannon Quinn Evaluating Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Feature Generation from Parkisons' Brain Imaging
(215) 11/22/2019 Joshua Shannon Frederick Maier Human Activity Recognition Using Pseudo Free-living Data
(216) 12/06/2019 Shulin Zhang John Hale Human Brain Networks for Semantic Roles
(217) 04/17/2020 Anna Gann Tianming Liu Enhanced Visualization of Magnetic Resonance Brain Tumor Segmentation Volumes From Deep Automated Models
(218) 07/13/2020 Aditya Prakash Shinde Prashant Doshi Active Cyber Deception and attacker intent recognition using factored Interactive POMDPs
(219) 07/14/2020 Hari Teja Tatavarti Prashant Doshi Recurrent Sum-Product-Max Networks for Decision Making in Perfectly-Observed Environments
(220) 07/14/2020 Sumer Singh Sheng Li and Nandita Gaur A Domain Adaptation Approach for Offensive Language Detection with Bidirectional Transformers
(221) 07/16/2020 Jiaojiao Wang Yi Hong Understanding 3D Convolutional Neural Networks in Alzheimer’s Disease Classification
(222) 07/17/2020 Jayant Parashar Suchendra Bhandarkar  and Brian M Hopkinson Comparison and extension of CNNs for Saltmarsh images
(223) 07/29/2020 Aashish Yadavally Frederick Maier Exploring Machine Learning Based Day-Ahead Solar Irradiance Forecasting Methodologies
(224) 10/09/2020 Donald Dunagan John Hale Semantic Number in French and Chinese Brains
(225) 12/07/2020 Jingyi Li Tianming Liu Twitter Sentiment Analysis During Covid-19 in Florida
(226) 12/14/2020 Brij Rokad Sheng Li Quantifying Variability in Land-Surface Heterogeneity at the Global Scale Using Unsupervised Learning
(227) 12/20/2020 Hemanth Dandu Suchendra Bhandarkar Exploring the Limits of Zero-Shot Learning - How Low Can You Go?
(228) 4/6/2021 Ben Flanders Adam Goodie Machine Learning Classification of National Parks Bird Audio Data
(229) 4/13/2021 Angela Tsao Pete Bettinger Social Structure and Collective Intelligence in Probability-based Particle Swarm Optimization for the Forest Planning Problem
(230) 4/13/2021 Zack Peck Bradley Bassler Scale, Abstraction, and Connectionist Models: On Parafinite Thresholds in Artificial Intelligence
(231) 4/14/2021 Ryan McArdle Bradley Bassler Paraconsistent Propositional Inference Using Restricted Boltzmann Machines
(232) 4/26/2021 Rutu Gandhi Yi Hong Multidimensional Attention Based Neural Network for 3D Image Segmentation
(233) 7/12/2021 Vikas Kunchala Khaled Rasheed Predicting Undergraduate Student Dropout Using Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Machine Learning
(234) 7/14/2021 Tangrui Li Bradley Bassler Data-Driven Model-Theory Based Classification
(235) 7/15/2021 Sabri Sabri Frederick Maier Arabic Image Captioning Using Deep Learning with Attention
(236) 7/18/2021 Yiren Zhang Adam Goodie Clausewitzian Blotto Game
(237) 7/18/2021 Dylan Pozorski Bradley Bassler Parafinitary Learning
(238) 8/2/2021 Anirudh Kumar Maurya Kakarlapudi Prashant Doshi Decision-Theoretic Planning with Communication in Open and Typed Multiagent Systems
(239) 11/22/2021 Caroline Hixon Adam Goodie Exploring Hindsight Bias Using Computational Modeling and Machine Learning Classification in Differing Domains
(240) 11/23/2021 Lillian Le Margaret Renwick Race and Regionality on the ASpIRE ASR Model
(241) 12/2/2021 Narinder Singh Ghumman John Hale Training And Probing Language Models For Discerning Between Speech Of People With Aphasia And Healthy Controls
(242) 12/03/2021 Gengyu Zhang Prashant Doshi sIPOMDPLite-net: Lightweight Self-interested Learning and Planning in Partially Observable Multiagent Settings with sparse interactions
(243) 12/15/2021 Shrinidhi Adke Changying Li Supervised and Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Instance Segmentation and Counting of Plant Parts
(244) 4/11/2022 Nathan Safir Shannon Quinn Variational Autoencoders For Semi-Supervised Deep Metric Learning
(245) 4/11/2022 Cameron Pipes Adam Goodie Understanding Sink State Formation in Finite State Machines Using the Prisoner's Dilemma
(246) 4/18/2022 Shardul Deshmukh Neal Outland Implementing Artificial Intelligence Into Team Decision Making
(247) 6/28/2022 Sierra Magnotta Margaret Renwick Analysis of Two Acoustic Models on Forced Alignment of African American English
(248) 07/12/2022 Nikhil Ranjan Yuan Ke Improving Directional Prediction of IBM Stock using Stacked Ensembling
(249) 8/2022 Luke Armao Drew Abney Joint Attention and Language Development: A Meta-Analysis
(250) 11/21/2022 Eric Miller Deepak Mishra Engineering a Reliable Software Stack for Computer Vision on Small Satellites
(251) 11/23/2022 Curtis Godwin Shannon Quinn Incorporating Task-Agnostic Information in Task-Based Active Learning Using a Variational Autoencoder
(252) 12/13/2022 Margaret Schrayer Deborah Barany and Jaewoo Lee Automating the Segmentation of Eye Movements in a Robotic Virtual Reality Environment
(253) 02/21/2023 Siva Krishna Ravipati Ramviyas Nattanmai Parasuraman Semantic Material Labeling of 3D Point Clouds using RGBD Data and Visual SLAM
(254) 03/27/2023 Daniel Abramow Tianming Liu TAASR: Temporally-Aware Affective State Recognition with Attention Augmented CNNs
(255) 04/06/2023 Nicholas Akin Jeremy Davis Efficacy and Implications of Mass Surveillance Systems Using Convolutional Neural Networks
(256) 04/11/2023 Vishnupriya Buggineni Jaime Andres Camelio Utilizing Synthetic Data Generation Techniques To Improve The Availability Of Data In Discrete Manufacturing For Ai Applications: A Review And Framework
(257) 04/14/2023 Amanda Issac Javad Mohammadpour Velni AI-Enabled Big Data Pipeline for Plant Phenotyping and Application in Cotton Bloom Detection and Counting
(258) 04/17/2023 Chenxiao Li Shannon Quinn Cilia Segmentation Using U-Net with Gabor Filter
(259) 7/03/2023 Soham Sajekar Jaewoo Lee Diffusion Augmented Flows: Combining Normalizing Flows And Diffusion Models For Accurate Latent Space Mapping
(260) 7/05/2023 Sanika Katekar Jaewoo Lee Diffusioncnf: Learning Denoising Diffusion Models Via Conditional Normalizing Flows
(261) 7/13/2023 Berta Franzluebbers John Hale Modeling Syntactic Ambiguity With Dependency Parsing
(262) 7/31/2023 Rachel Mattson Shannon Quinn Deep Representation Learning Of Mitochondrial Dynamics
(263) 8/03/2023 Alyssa Joaquin Elena Karahanna The Debiasing Effects Of Algorithmic Advice: Does Timing Matter?
(264) 11/13/2023 Gabriela Cerventi Adams In Kee Kim Current State of Blockchain Adoption within Industry Through The Lens of Diffusion Of Innovations
(265) 11/16/2023 Elizabeth Hoepfinger Frederick Maier Racial and Intersectional Debiasing of Contrastive Language Image Pretraining
(266) 11/17/2023 Rex Vanhorn Frederick Maier Fine-Tuning vs Context-Injection: Using GPT for Ambiguous Question-Answering on Proprietary Data
(267) 11/20/2023 Andrew Becker Frederick Maier NSGA-VIT: An Evolutionary Approach to Vision Transformer Architecture Design
(268) 11/21/2023 Praveen Kumar Reddy Kamasani Guoyu Lu Physics-based Depth: Camera Model-Informed Monocular Depth Estimation for Ground-Based Agents
(269) 04/10/2024 Hannah Tawashy Neal Outland Exploring the Use of AI Agents to Simulate Human Behavior in Group Decision-Making
(270) 04/11/2024 Ben Ware Frederick Maier The Hidden Knowledge of Untrained Neural Language Models
(271) 04/12/2024 Lauren Brakke Frederick Maier Simplifying Random Forests Through Post-Hoc Rule Extraction
(272) 06/11/2024 Harsha Veena Margaret Renwick Retraining the Phonet Library Using US English
(273) 06/19/2024 Raja Apoorva Dasyam John Gibbs Alzheimer’s Disease Classification Using Multimodal Machine Learning Algorithms
(274) 06/28/2024 Shashank Sai Bemberkar Beshoy Morkos Challenges Facing Industry Leaders in Implementation of AI Within Manufacturing Environments
(275) 07/01/2024 Aathira Anil Kumar Beshoy Morkos A comparative study between humans and GPT for TradeSpace analysis
(276) 07/09/2024 Shailendra Sekhar Reddy Bathula Ramviyas Nattanmai Parasuraman Synthetic Instincts: Echoing Reinforcement Learning Agents for Behavior Tree Generation
(277) 07/09/2024 Gayathri Anil Prashant Doshi and Frederick Maier Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Task Open Systems
(278) 07/10/2024 Daniel Harper Khaled Rasheed Evolutionary Design Optimization For a Formula One Car and Track
(279) 11/01/2024 Ellemieke Van Kints Deepak Mishra Neural Radiance Field Methods for Satellite Imagery of Polar Climates
(280) 11/19/2024 Kyle Becker Thirimachos Bourlai Thesis Face Super-Resolution on Complex and Real-World Degradation Settings
(281) 11/19/2024 Isha Patel Beshoy Morkos Transformer-Based Embedding Models for System Similarity: A Comparative Study of RoBERTa and GPT

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